Anti-Whit. Michigan’s Authoritarian Restrictions.

For us Michiganders- no more paint, no more garden hoses, and no more vegetable seeds if you follow the executive orders of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. You can’t go to church or visit your elderly parents or your up-north cabin, but for those that want weed, Titos’ or an abortion, no problem – still open for business.
With Whitmer’s latest “stay at home” order you can visit Meijer and buy some Wheaties, but they aren’t allowed to sell you a gallon of paint or a garden hose because Whitmer decided so. She also decided that the guy who cuts our lawn is “non-essential” thus landscaping businesses that operate are doing so in violation of the law. Welcome to MI-RUSSIA.
A few days ago Whitmer met with the state’s legislators requesting 70 more days in the hole for Michigan citizens and “non-essential” businesses that were denied, only giving her until the end of April. Her response was to clamp down further on her Draconian restrictions.
In righteous opposition, the Michigan Conservative Coalition organized “Operation Gridlock” today which brought over 10,000 cars from all over our state defying the stay-at-home order as they flooded the capitol in Lansing, Michigan. This growing movement of citizens who are out of work, out of money and rapidly losing their patience all peacefully organized, maintaining proper social distancing guidelines as reported by a Michigan State Trooper Lieutenant, and voiced their displeasure with the way Governor Whitmer has handled the response to COVID-19 in our state.
Operation Gridlock and Whitmer’s poor decision making has gained national attention with several stories a day on the network news channels. She even has been the topic on several segments of Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox news. Carlson accused Whitmer of moving “aggressively to seize even more control of her state” by banning gatherings “anywhere for any reason” in people’s homes. He also criticized her for shutting down stores she deemed “unnecessary” and banning the sale of certain items.
Tucker emphasized that Whitmer isn’t motived by any scientific considerations.
“It’s about power. Governor Whitmer wants to be the vice president. She wants to be chosen by Joe Biden. That’s pretty clear, “Carlson said. “And she’s calculated there is no penalty for petty authoritarianism. In fact, petty authoritarianism might make even mediocre politicians look strong and decisive. That’s her bet. She’s willing to destroy the people in her state in exchange.”
I am no expert, but I don’t believe the Governor, the executive branch of our government has the roll of making laws – that is the job of the legislature where our elected officials debate the proposed law, iron out the details and everyone knows what the ordinance is about and why it has been proposed. This is in great contrast to our governor creating laws based on whatever is happening between her ears.
You are probably reading this post on a gun-related, 2nd Amendment supporting blog or website. What if governors had a “thought” or “feeling” that they should nullify all-state CPL permits, ban all firearm sales or ownership during this pandemic for whatever reason they conjure up? I don’t think so! This is all a very slippery slope and it’s time for the silent to speak.
Based on the duties of the respective branches of our government, I don’t believe any of Whitmer’s orders are legally enforceable; I believe they legally may only be considered as guidelines.
I will disclose that I believe social distancing is working. It’s the only weapon we have now and my family and I take it very seriously. I also realize that there is no “right” answer on this whole thing. We are all learning and that includes the “experts” and elected officials. But I also know that if we don’t get our businesses and life open soon (which will spread the virus fast) we will face some horrible situations. President Trump said it first, “The cure can’t be worse than the problem.” Life will be harder for many but we will get through this one way or another. There are some things we should never be willing to give up. You know what they are. You are a free American.
We still live in the United States and have a Bill of Rights. We are free, and dammit if we need to fight for it again WE WILL!
In God We Trust,