Holsters: What’s a Grip Claw?

Claw, Grip Claw, ModWing – what are these strange looking pieces of plastic in varying sizes and shapes that are now popping up on holsters from coast to coast? We’ll answer that question and in doing so may grab your interest in why these conceal-carry, print-reduction “claw” devices may be part of your next holster system.
For concealed carry newcomers, the informal term “printing” refers to the outline of a handgun through the garment the gun carrying person is wearing. Obviously, we want to reduce and ultimately eliminate printing and using a Grip Claw type device definitely assists in this goal.
The “Grip Claw,” as we will address it through this article, is a small piece of plastic attached to an Inside the WaistBand (IWB) holster which sits just south of the trigger guard and inline with the belt. When used with a proper, firm tactical belt (we recommend a ¼” thick leather belt) the Grip Claw will pivot the entire grip of the gun and holster into your body – instead of having the grip winging out resulting in “printing.”

Using a Grip Claw with an Appendix Holster (AIWB) is an absolute must; however, I also find it extremely useful with my most comfortable and preferred carry method – IWB between the 4:30 – 5 o’clock positions. It really does bring in that handgun grip resulting in much more concealment than a holster without the Grip Claw.
The Grip Claw creates a situation where you can now carry and more easily conceal larger handguns.
DETROIT HOLSTER is offering a new holster system built around the Grip Claw concept. It will be available configured much like our flagship IWB holster – the 8 MILE – with a variety of belt clips such as the most popular and default configuration of a FOMI clip, several UltiClip options and a hybrid of both FOMI and UltiClip. The UltiClip 3+ is a great option when not wearing a belt such as summer biking shorts, etc. When wearing a proper, thick belt the FOMI clip is functional and very convenient, allowing you to install your holster in a second flat. Leaning more toward the Appendix carry (AIWB) consumer, this holster will also be available with a tuckable clip which allows the wearer to have their shirt tucked in. This belt clip can also be mounted with just one screw at the bottom which allows it to pivot a bit if you’d like which ads to comfort and also adjustable cant. It is a solid option instead of the FOMI clip and it is ½ the width.

Our Grip Claw designed holster will be available with light and laser-bearing handgun configurations as we have a special smaller claw designed for this configuration.
The Grip Claw WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE TO RETRO FIT existing standard 8 Mile holsters. The mounting hole positions will not line up and the positioning with the belt must be precise or the Grip Claw will not function optimally. This positioning and mounting of the Grip Claw inline with belt also means you can’t really use it for a super deep ride height.
Check out the Detroit Holster 8 Mile Grip Claw now at www.DetroitHolster.com.
We also posted a short “from the shop” video on YouTube. Don’t forget to follow us please: https://youtu.be/vOE-UtuMb04